Custom Job Descriptions

OMS strives to offer you, our clients, the most complete occupational Web OMS WEngine IMG_5072medicine package possible. Our new program, Fitness Factor, helps us work toward that goal. This integral risk and injury prevention program offers OSHA and ADA compliant, customized job descriptions written by an exercise science specialist. Each job description includes an exclusive job-site analysis accompanied by a comprehensive audiometric survey and hazard analysis.

The job-site analysis includes:

  • Occupational, ergonomics questionnaire, personnel interviews and direct observation of job tasks
  • Direct measurement of material weight and utilization involved in multiple, job-specific tasks using a certified and
    calibrated dynamometer
  • An environment meter tests decibel levels, ambient temperature and humidity as well as illuminance
  • Manual measurements of material dimensions, heights and distances are taken
  • Digital photography is also used as a reference tool and photos will be used in your job descriptions

We also offer fully customizable functional capacity evaluations matching the exact physical requirements of each job title. While each service is offered independently, the combination of all three systems (Job Descriptions, Ergonomic Testing, and Physicals) provide the most complete risk and injury prevention platform available. Combine the Fitness Factor program with the multitude of services offered at OMS for the most comprehensive healthcare offered in the region.

For a free consultation, please email